Where’s Dr. Erin?

I’m always on the go - I understand how it can be hard to keep up with me!

Whether it’s rushing between the office and dental school where I teach, chatting as a podcast guest, presenting at conferences, trying new restaurants around town or jet setting around the world, I like to live a busy and full life.

I also love to share my expertise and experience. Check what I’ve been up to and where I’ve appeared below!

Interested in collaborating? Book me!

Videos & Podcasts

Antonio J. Webb, MD, YouTube Channel - How to Become a Pediatric Dentist

What Do You Do? podcast - Episode 5: Pediatric Dentist

Delivering Wow podcast - Turning Your Mess into Your Message

As A Woman podcast - Episode 86, Doing Things Differently

Peds Doc podcast - Episode 36, The Deets on Baby Teeth

Thank You for Ranting podcast - Episode 2, Brush the Teeth You Want to Keep

Dental Marketer podcast - Episode 165, Dr. Erin Issac

The Story Project podcast - Episode 1, Dr. Erin Issac

Educational Appearances

Jan. 30, 2021: American Student Dental Association Virtual Annual Conference – Round Table Facilitator