For Parents

When you ask someone "What do you do?" they normally answer, "I'm a (enter your profession here)" right?

Well, for me, it's a bit different…

Yes, I'm a board-certified pediatric dentist, but what I really do is:

  • Make healthy smiles and happy little humans through positive visits - every time.

  • Help kids and parents take control of their health by giving evidence based info and tips that they can use at home.

  • Be a partner in improving the health of kids, parents and whole families.

  • Encourage kids to be their own unique selves.

  • Show them, especially the little girls - and double especially the little girls who look like me - that they really can be whatever they want to be.

  • Make sure kids know that they are loved and there's always someone in their corner.

  • Empower other women to become business owners. We need more of us!

  • Remind the masses that people of color are more than capable and that we really can and DO hold positive, useful positions in our society.

And that’s just to name a few. Here, I want to create a fun, positive and educational community to promote healthy habits, educate caregivers and inspire young minds.

Let’s have fun and learn together!

Meet Dr. Erin

What makes Dr. Erin different? Learn more about her approach to pediatric dentistry - and some personal fun facts, too!


Have questions about pediatric dental health? One of my passions is educating the public. Check out some frequently asked questions from patients and parents.


Where’s Dr. Erin?